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"Innovation and inventions are born from necessity"

Multiple Automotive Realignment Process

Based on systematic realignment vectors of 3D measures - Realign • Rejig


This is a process for returning a MISALIGNED VEHICLE STRUCTURE (MVS) to FACTORY VEHICLE DIMENSIONS (FVD), through a series of multiple realigning VECTORS (VCT) by means of FIXTURES, (FX) chains, hydraulics, turnbuckles, etc. Attaching to the structural components of the (MVS) with clamps, tabs, hooks, etc. Utilizing specific (VCT) in a systematic order.

The placement of the attachments, SYSTEMATIC REALIGNMENT VECTORS (SRV) and RE-JIG order, are based on MARP methodology through three-dimensional analysis of the (MVS).


This process applies to all vehicle structures (ladder-full frame, unibody) at various levels of a (MVS), resulting from various collision impacts such as (front, rear, side, rollover, off road - undercarriage, etc.).


The MARP PROCESS incorporates three dimensional measures, derived from


The construction of any (AHSS) vehicle can be considered as a maze of integrated VERTICAL, DIAGONAL and HORIZONTAL planes. The realignment of a (MVS), to true (FVD) begins with a specific measuring order and REALIGNMENT PROCESS that must be applied within a specific sequence of each of the integrated given planes. The (REALIGNMENT) and (RE-JIG) order is similar to BENCH FIXTURE placement. Determine the SPECIFIC MEASUREMENT ORDER (SMO) and SPECIFIC REALIGNMENT ORDER (SRO):

This SYSTEMATIC PROCESS (SP) is based on the use of JIG-FIXTURES or

three-dimensional measures. For the purposes of this description, the

assumption is the placement of JIG-FIXTURES.


Typically, UPPER BODY (UB) JIG-FIXTURE placements or three-dimensional measuring points are;

  • Lower door hinge

  • Striker point

  • Upper door hinge, front and rear suspension strut towers

  • Lower windshield and rear glass opening /

  • package tray, rear body panel, cowl area, front core support

  • Upper windshield / rear window opening and roof levels

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